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Tags: Fantastic

STORY: Bra Boi (18+) Part 2

of all my times and visits to my brother’s shop, I had never seen or met her before. She was evidently Ijaw given she was making a call in her dialect when she stepped in.

She was very plump and a bit obese. And about the same height as myself; I am not exactly tall at 5’5″, so she wasn’t tall. But she was beautiful. Openly so, with well defined cheekbones that gave her face a peculiar attraction to it.
This was so despite her looking early-forty and with a lot of flesh. I also noticed her hair was likely natural and the length was only going to always surprise given it comfortably reached her mid-back! Anyways, it wasn’t until she entirely faced me, that I got to know she had even more about herself than I had seen! Her Bosom were in simple words, mouth-watering! And they just sat on her chest like two succulent large melons!


They weren’t just huge but equally broad and heavy-looking! In fact, when I finally did let my eyes tear away from the heaving mammarries to look down her legs, I noticed that the outrageous nature of her breasts had also caused her gown to climb higher up her thighs, than it should normally do! Before she would walk round the circular shelf just after the door, and then approach me, I had already been presented a glorious view of her legs, up into her mid-thighs! They were all exposed, unforgiving!

However, what Id didn’t notice still, was that she had her eyes on me as well, and when I finally looked up, our eyes met, before quickly looking our separate ways!

She would eventually tell me she wanted to shop for JJ-size brassieres! A size just a few women only asked for. She was undeniably busty and I found it hard painting any perfect picture of how big she was, under her gown! Ordinarily, I have never been the one to want to openly flirt with women, let alone when the lady is one who was likely nearly double my age; I was just 24. So as I wished and fantasized about her with a section of my head, I still remained focused knowing she was my brother’s costumer, thus dumping all the crazy fantasies to the side! After helping her make some selections, I pointed her to the changing cubicle where she could try out the new collection facing a mirror. She barely spent a full minute in there though, before asking me to come help her unhook a tough one so that she can try it out too. And that I should also get her a bigger mirror on my way. I was on the doors already and needed to close down for the evening. But as soon as I was done with that, I began walking up to the cubicle.

“I am still waiting bros.” called the woman again for the umpteenth time! I was already becoming peeved now.

Of course, I didn’t answer her again, as I was just a few distance from the door. On getting to it, I swung it open.

“Ehee…” she just begun saying on noticing me, “Please help me unhook these two, they seem too tight.” she was handing me the said brassieres but goodness knows I had no eye on what she was giving me because I was totally blown away by something else instead!

For right before me stood the woman, with just her bra and panty on! The gown she was wearing earlier on, was now hung over a chair at the corner of the cubicle! The fact that she behaved as though everything was still in the most normal of states, was equally just mindboggling!

“Did you hear me bros?” was her next question, bringing me to tear my eyes away from her glorious boobies which looked like they would overflow the cups of her admittedly undersized bra!

“Yea…yes ma” was my reply as I picked up the brassieres and began unhooking them. All the while, I ogled her beautiful body, starting from her panty-covered Buttocks which was facing me now, down to her thick fleshy thighs and then her legs! They were so tempting, and I wished I could just grab them with my itchy hands!

Unfortunately though, I was soon through with the brassieres and had to leave after giving them back to her. But then, the images of the lady’s luscious Bosom and Buttocks, wouldn’t leave my head, despite walking out of the cubicle!


Even while I was seated at the cashier’s desk a couple of minutes later, they still repeatedly crossed my mind! Of course Chime has always told me how some ladies loved to go completely Unclad even if it was just a pantyhose they were looking to try out, but this was the first time I was experiencing it myself! And it was already turning into a crazy night for me! I didn’t even know I was spotting a boner already until I shut her door behind me and began walking up to the cashier’s desk! As several thoughts of what the night could likely turn out to be kept bombarding my head, my modest 8inch Joystick kept being readjusted within my tight-fitting denim trouser! Funny enough, it wasn’t even as though I had seen anything outlandish. It was just her bra-covered Bosom and her panty-covered Buttocks. But yet, I couldn’t be at rest. A good indication of how much of a learner I was in this clime! I had no girl I could call a girlfriend, and the last time I tried keeping one for myself, it turned out a major disaster! Unlike your average guy, I have never had the habit of seeing X-rated on phones or magazines. They always looked a bit of a taboo for me. So I was an absolute green-horn, in matters of s*x. I wasn’t a virgin though, but I was worse than most virgins who only sought for the opportunity before they would gladly F**K their way out of virginity! Anyways, while I thought all these, a rather new side of concerns began setting in when it begun looking like the lady costumer was starting to take more time than anticipated. After waiting another 5 minutes, I had to stand and begin walking towards the cubicle.

“Bra Boy?!!” was the sudden call I got from inside the cubicle just about four steps into my trek. She was the one calling.

“Did she just call me ‘Brassiere Boy’?” I asked myself, feeling totally ridiculed by the name.
“Bra Boy?! Are you there?” she was absolutely referring to me for real, quite surprisingly
“I’m coming madam” was my response doing well to suppress the burgeoning anger I was already feeling

When I got to the cubicle door, I swung it open, but lo and behold, I was greeted with yet another neck-breaker! My woman-costumer was backing me and bent over the chair at the corner – probably in an attempt to sort the brassieres that were piled on there (she was now putting on one of ours) – and this brought her huge panty-covered Buttocks right in my face! Given she was bent over, the Buttocks looked much more rounder and bulkier! And her Buttocks cheeks seductively ‘overflowed’ from under the panty straps! The view was just awesome and was good enough to melt all my earlier anger away! And it brought me instant hard-on before I knew it! She began speaking on noticing my presence.

“Ehee… please I’ve been trying to test this very bra…” she was standing back erect now, “…but it is looking undersize even though the label says its double-J.” She suddenly turned to face me, thus nearly knocking me off my perch with her outrageous looking mammaries! They now looked even more colossal because of the admittedly undersized brassiere! The piece of clothe barely accommodated his areolas, let alone the swell of her fabulous Bosom! In fact, her Tips were only just kept in-place by the rings of the bra-cups!

“Ehmm…ok ma. But…ehh…” I just couldn’t get words out of my mouth all of a sudden as my apparently widened eyes remained fixed on the large shooters before me! “But…can..can’t you…can’t you pick another one?” I finally managed to complete

“Oh…I really like this one. Mostly because of these lacey groves” she ran a finger along some of the fancy lacey grooves that adorned the appreciably beautiful brassiere
“Oh…” I still preferred looking at the tip were her finger seemed to be forcing a Tip into a hide-and-seek game with the cup of the bra! I was so freaking hard now and just about then, she found out!

To Be Continued…

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